Sunset Hills is 100!
Click Here Donate to the sculpture that will be commissioned by artist Lawrence Feir
Contribute $40 or more and get a Centennial Tote bag
Preservation Greensboro will host tour of homes in Sunset Hills May 18-19, 2024 Purchase tickets here.
Thank you to our incredibly generous centennial donors

Sunset Hills residents and tree-lovers,
Quoted from the 1925 Sunset Hills Sales Brochure.
“Everybody has an inherent love for trees. It is nothing short of tragedy to see a great oak, elm or maple hewn to the ground to make way for progress. In the construction work of Sunset Hills everything possible and practical has been done to preserve its 185 acres of beautiful trees. The developers have, in many cases, changed the sizes of lots rather than permit the destruction of a tree in the laying of a drive , gas or water line. Hundreds of dollars have been expended in moving and transplanting trees from street right-of-ways. How blest is the resident of Sunset Hills for the preservation- for this gift of Nature that has been years and years in the making.”
Members of the Sunset Hills Environmental Affairs Committee have re-invented the SH Reforestation Program in an effort to plant at least 100 native canopy trees in the neighborhood to celebrate the Sunset Hills Centennial 1924-2024. You can join the effort by ordering your very own tree(s) through this program at a very reasonable price! Let’s do this!
With an attractive new Application to encourage participation, we are providing a greater selection of canopy trees, and they will be in 3-gallon containers, approximately 3’-4’ hgt., which is an ideal size for the tree to root-in and flourish. Also, this size allows for easy planting, and there is no limit to the quantity of trees you can order to plant in Sunset Hills.
$15/tree is your cost to reforest your neighborhood, which is slowly losing all of its original trees. The SH Neighborhood Association will pick up the balance of the cost for all who have paid their annual dues.
It is vitally important that we maintain the aging urban forest of Sunset Hills, and this is the perfect time for planting. An Application containing all the information to order trees is attached, or hard copies can be picked up in the Nature Lending Libraries in the SH Park. The application deadlines are November 8 & 29, with trees delivered in approximately 14 days. If you have questions, please email Randal Romie: rsromieasla@gmail.com.
Plant a tree today for the next 100 years!
Click on the PDF to complete the application and plant a tree in Sunset Hills.

A. K. Moore